Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου 2013

The spectacular Mr. Khan.

Ok,from where do I even start?Did you happen to watch the latest Star Trek film by J. J. Abraams?Well,I did and my comments are:BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH!!!For many Star Trek fans these two re-makes were a pleasant surprise and for others they felt absolutely essential in order for the old spirit of  TOS to be re-newed and re-loved by the new generation (it was kind of dead in Star Trek Generations).But Mr. Abraams offered to us something more than new fancy spaceships and great Kirk/Spock scenes,he gave us Benedict wearing leather tights in Star Trek Into Darkness and we are the most certainly thankful about it ;)

Personally,I have been a fan of both the Original Series and Abraams' first film so I did not decide to go to the cinema just for Cumberbatch.-You see,my good companion,The Big Bang Theory,taught many things about tv shows,since I started watching it,and consequently I soon became a Star Trek and Doctor Who enthusiast.-Anyway,as it almost always happens with the hottie-containing films,I forgot all about my original pure motives after a few minutes of watching.How could I not though?His hair Ebony black as Anne Rice would discribe,his cheekbones more visible and desirable than ever,his eyes alien-like and beautifully creepy and his voice..breathtaking.There is also the famous Cumberbutt but what could I ever say about it that would be enough?Plus,I am trying to be decent so let's just skip another butt worshipping paragraph or line on this blog and enjoy these images.

Doctor What

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