Παρασκευή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Films you must watch (if you haven't done it yet)

Most of the following films are very popular,yet you might realise that you haven't watched all of them really.I am not consulting any IMDb published lists here so you will just be reading MY opinion accompanied by the lovely IMDb summaries in the title links.Let's begin :

A Clockwork Orange
I am indeed using orange because it is the colour of the film posters but I can assure you that this story is not about actual oranges.The main character is Alex DeLarge (beautifuly portrayed by Malcolm McDowell) who is nothing more than a common criminal...in the begining.By the end of the film,Alex will have turned into one of the most iconic figures in the entire cinema history,just before your eyes.Of course,Alex is not the only aspect of the film you are going to find at least charming.Every scene has a very special colour template combined with the weird fashions of the 70's.Also the acting will seem to you "out of this world" if you are not used in watching older films.Finally,we are not sure whether "A Clockwork Orange" is a really dark and twisted comedy or a drama,but we do know that it is a good and strong film you will not easily forget (actually you are not going to forget).

The Matrix
I was shocked to find out that I know more than one person who hasn't watched "The Matrix".A normal person would say "WTF!" and go on with his/her life but instead I am going to provide you with the trailer once again and say "Watch the fucking Matrix!What the hell?!".Not watching this film means that you will never:

  • properly learn what cyberpunk is
  • feel weird while secretly questioning your own reality
  • appreciate the fashion of leather or spandex outfits and long black coats 
  • possibly want to become a hacker
  • experience the absolute "Green" on one single screen
  • know how to use the "red pill-blue pill" line (which rocks)
  • see Keanu Reeves acting well and being hot at the same time.
I think you got the point."The Matrix" has given much to the pop culture we are familiar with today.Apart from that,the style will be copied many times but the plot will always be one of the most original ideas ever conceived.

Not a classic film (yet),characterised as "mindfuck" by some,"Inception" comes to satisfy almost every viewer.The effects are spectacular and the cast is amazing.The scenario is interesting,clever and above all detailed and well explained.I mean,everything the characters do has an explaination and the processes they follow,just like the rules they work with,are sometimes complicated but also very specific and clear to the audience.I point out this last part because I've heard people saying they didn't get a think which seems pretty odd to me.Anyway...there is also a number of marvelous music tracks (created by Hanz Zimmer) heard in the film.They are so good that if I were making a list of films to watch just for the music,"Inception" would most certainly be in it.In general,this is a very well-thought film with a great focus on creating some of the most stunning fantasy images and therefore I think you should definitely watch it.

The Shutter Island
Here is another Leonardo DiCaprio film (no,I am not a crazy fangirl) which comes to satisfy pretty much every type of viewer.It's plot does get a bit confusing but the film is quite atmosperic,dramatic and surprising which is just the perfect combination.Also,the setting is dark and it kind if reminds you of the old horror films while the music odd,strong and beautiful.The plot does surprise a lot and it does it in an excellent manner until the very end.I absolutely recommend this one for everyone,no matter the social group.

V for Vendetta
Honestly a glorious film this one.Absolutely most certainly one of the best films of all times.The main character,"V",and his iconic mask are both inspired by Guy Fawkes,the person who attempted to blow up the entire Brittish Parliament alongside with his conspirators in 1605.V's story though takes place in the distant future,when the government is totalitarian and it's truly beautifully brought to us by the team of directors and actors.Of course,the most important and touching part of the film are the inspiration it provides to the audience about acting against fascism.For exaple,I shall never forget the story of the homosexual couple in the film (watch it and you will understand).

"Remember,remember the fifth of November;
The Gunpowder treason and Plot!
For I see no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."

No,I haven't given you the wrong IMDb link,it's just that I like the 1998 version better than the new one (in my opinion,annoying singing and unnecessary CGI didn't exactly help).Why it is in the list;Well,first of all I believe that the story is a classic and therefore it's nice for more people to know it than those who have read the books.Secondly,the adaptation of it extremely well done here,mostly due to the amazing cast.What is also so special about this film is that unlike the majority of period films this one is not just about a dramatic love story with costumes and dresses.This is beyond romance and it does not stop at love either,it shows us hatred and how unreasonable it can be,the feeling of duty and the stregth of the existance of personal interests,which I think is wonderful if you look at it from the ocassional period film viewer point.

That was the first part of my list.There are more fims to follow after I manage to fully understand Mechanics at university :}
Until then,watch whatever you feel like watching and have fun!

Πέμπτη 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Becoming a Fannibal

This one is very late since the show I am going to write about was released on April 4 but I really think I should recommend this one so here it is:

Dr. Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) is a very classy psychiatrist who certainly knows how to cook and Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) is a young FBI criminal profiler and the doctor's patient.The show is mostly focused on the relationship between those two but in the plot you'll find many other interesting stories to catch up with.To be honest though,Hannibal is less about the plot and more about the dark psychological-thriller-like atmosphere and the graphic images of the most artistic crime scenes you've probably ever seen.It's not like the plot is actually not good but the settings,the sounds and the incredibly well chosen cast (including Laurence Fishburne) are the elements that capture your attention within the very first seconds.

I don't think I need to say more about the plot.Hannibal is a quality show and you will realise the point where the mind games become far more important than the shocking (for some viewers) state of the dead bodies.Even though it might not get to be your favourite tv series,the story of these two mad men (I believe that William is problematic too but let's not talk about it now) is definitely worth watching.

For better viewing:

  • The crime scenes are amazingly detailed and unique.The are also pretty forward,if you are one of these people who can't even watch "Criminal Minds" then mentally prepare your self for some hell of a spectacle...
  • Watch during the night or with your windows closed and your lights off for a more vivid experience (because sometimes it can get cinema-like and it's more fun this way).
  • The episodes last for around fourty minutes so get something to chew.
  • Try not to get too excited and watch almost the entire season in one day because you will have a difficulty finishing it on that same day and then you'll have to leave like an episode or two for later whch is will annoy you if you are crazy or suffer from Asperger's Syndrome (I am not joking here,I actually mean it).
  • There is a proper fandom for this one,if you wish to join,we are talking about the Fannibals and there are fanfics and fanart like in every decent fandom.


this is Hannibal and

this one is Will.There are girls who find him hot.I am not one of them but if YOU like what you see,congratulations because you just gained an extra motive!Have fun...

Sherlock Lives!

You probably already know that Sherlock is to return on January 1st on BBC one,yet I feel the need to write about it and express how happy I am...THIS IS AMAZING!IT IS SO GREAT I WANT TO CRY!I mean...Sherlock is coming ba-ack!!!Sherlock,it's bloody Sherlock,you know,Sherlock!

Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Is he hot or what?

Hello again.I haven't written anything for a month but I was busy making my victorian gown so I am to be excused.This new article is about these actors who for some people are hot as hell,while for others they are either boring or way too far from looking hot.Admit it,at some point you must have liked somebody,from a film or a tv show,whom your friends found unattractive.Even worse,some of you may have liked an actor whom yourself used to find unattractive (it's one of the worst feelings when you realise it,you just feel like a sick person).Today I am making a short list of such actors I know of.Because I am not into all of them,I am not putting them in order of preference but in a completely random one (except for Benedict who is first for a reason).Let's start...

1.Benedict Cumberbatch
This one has troubled me a lot...When I started watching "Sherlock" I thought the protagonist was ugly and I really didn't like his voice.The only thing I liked about him was his eyes which I found gorgeous from the begining.After I had watched the entire first episode and a bit of the second,I got used to his voice.I also noticed he had remarkable cheekbones and I reminded my self how much I enjoy a good set of cheeckbones.By the third episode I kind of liked him but still not as much as my friend.In the first episode of season 2 I took a better look at his fine long legs and his great butt.Then I became sure;Benedict was hot!Now I am a fan girl but I still hear that Ben is ugly.My first reaction is usually "You're nuts!",but then I bring to my mind the time I didn't like him.After putting some thought on the matter I have come to the conclusion that Benedict is not handsome is a classic way and this is why his good features take time to be noticed,what he certainly is though,is a charming man.

2.Jim Parsons
(I think this is the best Jim Parsons pic)
Personally,I don't think that "The Big Bang Theory" star is a hottie but there are women who do and I think this is partly acceptable.The truth is that one can't exactly claim that Jim is handsome but nobody can call him ugly.The guy is tall,slim,he has blue eyes and not a bad face.Also,we live in the 21st century so I don't think that the fact that he's gay can be a turn off for those who like what they see.I believe the biggest problem with Jim Parsons is the character he portrays in TBBT.If you are a fan of the show,it is possible Sheldon Cooper is why you can't see Jim Parsons as a hottie.It is also likely that the fictional scientist is the very reason you find him incredibly attractive.

3.Eddie Redmayne
This talented actor is considered to be ugly by many many people.The main reasons are his freckles which cover almost his entire face and the strange shape of his mouth and lips.Well,although I can see their point,I can't stop thinking how hot Eddie is everytime I see him.For me,it was clear since the first time I saw him in "Pillars of the Earth".I don't have much to say on the matter.For what I see,this guy does have a certain charm.

4.Zachary Quinto (as Spock)
Zachary Quinto is for most unquestionably hot and I'm not going to disagree since I don't find him ugly at all.My question is;what do you think of him as Spock?If you ask me,Spock is simply one of the sexiest things ever.The whole idea of the eyebrows,the pointy ears and this hair style drives me crazy,so how could I say know to all these combined with Zachary?Of course,I understand that Mr. Spock is is suitable only for the most eccentric of tastes so I expect to disagree with many of you out there,including Zachary himself,who believes that the hair cut and the eyebrows are not cool at all.

5.Tom Hiddleston
Ok,I am aware of the fact that this particular actor is sexy for the majority of women,yet I am not convinced.The thing is that I am not generally crazy about this type of face (at least I haven't been until recently) but I do like his body,his accent and his smile is just so cute,consequently I am a bit confused.I am not going to decide now anyway...I have watched only one of his films ("Midnight in Paris") and one of his interviews (he was with Benedict Cumberbatch) and therefore I can't be certain.Perhaps I should watch "Thor"!
(I am editing this because I watched "Thor","The Avengers" and many of his interviews and now I know why girls go crazy.He is so talented,hot,cute and generally adorable so the doubt is gone now.)

6.David Tennant
Another challenging case.If David Tennant if for you the crazy guy from Harry Potter,then I doubt that you can actually understand this crush.On the other hand,if you see him as The Doctor you will eventually love him.David Tennant is neither bad looking nor handsome.Instead,he's got a weird face accompanied by a slightly deranged expression.Personally,I like the expression and him but if you don't agree with me I suppose I can see the reason why.

7.Johnny Galecki

This!Somebody please explain this to me!I don't get it,I am sorry if you like him but I just don't get it.I mean he is a good actor and a fun person from what I've seen from TBBT cast interviews,but hot?I was looking fot show news when I first read what women really thought of Johnny Galecki and I have to admit I was really surprised.Untill then,I had been under the impression that if somebody from the show was to draw this kind of attention,that would be Jim Parsons.Well,it turns out I was wrong...We can't all like the same guys now,can we?

8.Colin Morgan
This is awkward...Believe it or not,the "Merlin" is in the IMDb's list of hottest actors,another fact which surprised me.To be honest,it never crossed my mind that girls would find Colin a hotie!For me he's always been a good actor and that's all.Colin Morgan being in that list is a mystery I'll never manage to solve, however I do hope we'll get to see him in several productions in the future as he is truly talented.

I have noticed many more weird crushes on the internet but I don't want to write about actors I don't know of well enough.What do you think about those above?

Doctor What

Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2013

The lost city of Atlantis

Hello people!I am very happy these weeks and it's not just because The Big Bang Theory is here but also because there is a brand new drama/action/comedy tv series in town by the one and only BBC.This show is so good that fanfiction writers have gone crazy already,despite the fact than only two episodes have aired!I am talking of about the Merlin look A like:Atlantis.

You see,when Merlin ended the way it did,the audience didn't seem very pleased...in fact people were deeply disappointed that their favourite tv show was gone.That was when a "Bring Merlin Back" campaign started with participants from all over the world.Apparently,the creators of Merlin and BBC noticed the existance of the campaign but instead of bringing Merlin back,they gave us Atlantis.If you watch Atlantis,you will realise that it's almost like watching Merlin but in a different era and that is something a number of Merlin fans did not appreciate.Well,I don't mind this and I am going to explain why after I tell you what the show is about.

The story starts when a young named Jason ends up in the lost city of Atlantis during an expedition to find his father.There he meets Pythagoras the mathematician (or triangle guy) and Hercules,a drunkard who is Pythagoras' housmate.Together they face adventures inspired by the Greek mythology.Oh,and Jason learns that his destiny is great...

Anyway,all this truly reminds me of Mrlin but I couldn't care less.See,Merlin cannot possibly be brought back as everyone died in the end,so we have to rule out this case scenario.Also,even if the show could return,it wouldn't be as fresh and exciting as it used to be in the first three seasons.It's a fact that the last two seasons of Merlin reminded us nothing of the pleasant spirit the show used to have.As a result,many people stopped being Merln enthusiasts after a point.Atlantis on the other hand is new,joyful even under some pretty stressful circumstances and youthful.not to mention,the frienship between the two leading characters seems different to me as Jason being from another (less heroic ) era is clearly not terrified by the term "Bromance".

The flaws of the show
I am not going to lie to you;the show is not flawless.First of all,the Greek mythology is really messed up...Ariadne and the minotaur live in Atlantis and not Crete,Pythagoras who was a real mathematician lives in a possibly imaginary city and Medusa is probably Jason's new friend and I guess enemy later on.And what about this weird language the oracle and the worshippers of Dionysus speak?Is it ancient Greek?Well,for what I know it's supposed to be but I don't understand it.I hope it is because using a real language is easier than creating an imaginary one.Finally,something about bad acting has been mentioned but from what I saw (and I've watched many tv shows and films) the acting of the supporting actors was fine,Jack Donelly (Jason) is also a fine actor and Robert Emms (Pythagoras) whom we've also seen in "War Horse" and "Mirror Mirror" is fantastic.

Why to watch
Despite its flaws,the show is really cute!The characters are funny when they need to be,the costumes (especially of the royalty) are fun designed and well executed,cuteness ensues with the Jason/Pythagoras scenes and BBC is fangirling for us by making memes and shipping Jason/Pythagoras which is the coolest thing ever!(Thank you BBC).



*After watching*
Did you watch?Good!Want some fanfics?"Emerald has been cumberbatched" (who is not me since I don't publish on that site) has the best on FanFiction.net.

Atlantis airs every Saturday at 8:30pm on BBC one.

Enjoy!!!Doctor What

Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2013

The Big Bang Thoughts

Greetings from my self again!As the fans already know,the 7th season of "The Big Bang Theory" has been around since September 26th with a couple of very cute episodes.After watching these episodes I decided to share my thoughts with you by writing this list-kind of article.

  • The first two episodes were cute but not great.Is it my idea or this show's first episodes are never really great?I mean,you have to admit that compared to what follows later on each season,the first episodes seem unworthy of rewatching.Plus,I was a bit disappointed by how dramatic was the premiere summary in contrast to the actual episodes ("Sheldon and Penny share intimate secrets while Leonard is away at sea,Sheldon's feelings are crushed when Leonard returns.Meanwhile,Raj gets consoled about his ex-girlfriend and Wolowitz's relationship with his mother causes an unusual threat to his masculinity." according to CBS).I didn't get where Sheldon's feelings were crushed or what did Howard's relationship with his mother had to do with the incrediants of the cream...
  • We love the romance-free Shenny but wasn't 2 out of 3 a little too much?In two of the three first episodes Sheldon and Penny engage in activities together and with no one else to accompany them.Personally,I like watching these two together as they have this weird but also strong chemistry;however,because of these scenes Shenny suddenly seems a good idea to me (and I never liked it!).I know that you don't intend to write them as a couple but I have to inform you that fans are getting let's say "inspired".
  • Leonard is a bitch.Don't take me wrong here,I like how Johnny Galecki plays the part,I just dislike the character himself.Thought that Leonard returning without a word to Sheldon was a sign of the fact that the experimental physicist doesn't appreciate his best friend much.Before you start saying that Sheldon is crazy,remeber that frienship is one of the most important thing in the worlds and thet what we don't really like we can always leave.
  • Are there people who still care about Raj?This character was one of the funniest until the whole "unable to find a girlfriend" started.After a point,I simply stopped caring...I am sorry but I don't find all this whining and crying funny or interesting.It is different when the character does this accasionally when problems occur than doing it all the time.Fix Raj!Oh and,not everybody has to be in a relationship.
  • Is Amy the only girlfriend Sheldon will ever have?The step of having a girlfriend was big for Dr. Cooper (ok,huge) but we all saw this coming,didn't we?People ask all the time whether Sheldon will ever agree to do do this and that (kissing,hugging,even having sex) with Amy,the real question though is;Once he agree to do it,is it going to be just Amy?I would like to see a new girl coming just for a change.I am not suggesting a new girlfriend or crazy flirting exactly rather than an opportunity for Sheldon to let his human side show by having a little curiosity about the opposite gender.

Ok,now my crazy stuff.Don't like,don't read the following.
  • Why are the TBBT fanfics not good even though the show writers give the audience so many bloody story excuses???Where is Sheldon/Leonard?Do we have to speak Spanish to read a good fanfic?I don't get it!
  • We seriously need some good "Sheldon meets Sherlock" fanfics and videos.There is a particular video I enjoyed a lot (Click To Watch) but we certainly need more!What?What did you say?Whose Sherlock?Just watch "Sherlock" for god's sake!!!

I wish you could start commenting on articles:P
Doctor What

Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2013

More Star Trek PLEASE!!!

Dear Mr. Abraams,

We are aware of the fact that after two Star Trek films you wish to focus on Star Wars and this is good but we,the people of the world,can't have enough of Star Trek.Let's be honest,you can't put Zachary Quinto as Spock in the film and then expect us to forget all about it!You can't have this:

 and this:


and also expect us to let go.

For sick people like us who scream whenever Kirk gets too close to Spock,for the TOS fans (I actually like tos myself) who spent years on waiting for Star Trek to regain its old glory,for these people who had no idea what they had just watched but loved it enough to watch the second film,you need to think about a new Star Trek film...(Also think about casting Benedict Cumberbatch for Star Wars because doing it for Star Trek was a genius idea).

Doctor What and the readers that agree. 

Let' talk fashion

So,I haven't been around for a while (well,who cares?) but now I'm bored and therefore I am starting another fashion article.My previous fashion article was a bit rude but also honest so no,I am not apologising...What makes me the right person to write about fashion?Well,I freaking love it,I know how to make clothes and I have the feeling (don't question the feeling!).

The truth is that fashion is a pricy hobbie and today's economy doesn't allow all of us to enjoy it to it's fullest.Plus,even if we can afford some extra expenses,most of us would rather buy a gadget than spend 

large amounts of money on fabric.However,there are some things that a lady who claims to care for fashion should possess.What are these?

1)A pair of well-fitting black trousers

Choose whichever you want,the one that fits you perfectly.Whether they are skinny jeans or leather trousers they are fine as long as they are black.Black will always be the new black,there isn't a more elegant and neutral colour (or lack of colour to be precise) than it.It matches not only every colour but every style as well!Total?Classic?Rock?Eccentric?Androgynous?These are the trousers for you.

2)The little black dress
Is there a sexier type of dress than a little black one?It's a fact!A dress like that makes almost every body type look good.Also it can be combined with a variety of accessories of many colours,sizes and styles.Finally,don't forget that even if you choose not to wear high-heeled shoes,you will certainly look hot.
Be careful though,your black dress can easily turn from sexy to cheap-slutty if not worn properly ...The tip is to seek for harmony in your looks without being afraid to try something new or extravagant.Try to combine some of your more economical pieces with the expensive ones you've got if you can't afford a total designer look.

3)Summer wedges
Women adore heels but wearing them on a daily basis is difficult,especially if you consider the badly constructed pavements which are a danger for any woman on high-heels.Well,this problem is solved by putting cute shoes on platforms!And because no other kind of shoe looks better on a platform than summer sandals,a pair of wedge sandals is a must for stylish summer looks.Just look at them...aren't they cute?

4)White or nude shoes and handbags
Have you convinced your self that you only wear dark colours and therefore have only dark couloured shoes and bags?What if during a fashion trip you happen to find a gorgeous white dress or a bright coloured skirt and fall in love with it?Fashion experts do always suggest to combine different colours but some of the brightest shades simply cannot be worn with black shoes.Pick white if you want to make a difference or nude for an absolutely chic look.

5)A gorgeous coat
We can't spend hours on thinking how to dress to impress every single day,this is why we need an impressive coat to do the job.Every self respecting beautiful coat must have a colour fit for royalty (including the classic black) and dramatic eye catching details.If you are not a drama queen prefer something waisty or with fancy buttons,just to be playful...Attention!Do not consider buying something with metalic texture or geometric motives unless you can afford to replace it the next year,a good coat is expensive and if you want to make a really good investment out of it pick an eccentric but also classic piece.

7)Oversized necklace
It doesn't need to be precious as long as it's interesting!This oversized piece of jewellery can make the simpliest of tops look unique.Definite must-have...!

8)Super cool skirt
Stupid title,I know,but everyone needs a super cool skirt to wear with almost every top.Forget about the boring pencil black ones and find a skirt that says "Hello,I'm right here".Buy a skirt that is glorious,either because of its colour or because of its design and have fun with it.
(They are not all 2013 but I still love them for this year)

9)Fun nail polish
Girls,do not ignore the nails.As small and unimportant as they seem,when polished they can really improve your entire look.See what is in fashion or find your very own signal colours (some women prefere a specific range of colours and shades).The truth is that we don't always need to have our nails polished but sometimes we want to look perfect this helps.I am not going to show you bottles of nail polish but I am going to tell you that the styles for winter 2014 are the earthy metalics (bronze,silver,gold),the absolut matte in the dark winter colours (red,purple,blue,black) and !pink!,the natural look (mostly milky white,gray or nude).

10)The red lipstick
No woman should be afraid of red lipstick as it makes all of us look pretty as hell.The fear of wearing it is quite common but you'd better get over it because I honestly don't thing that you'll manage to find a better colour for your lips.Wear it at home,wear it any time until you get used to it!The right shade and texture for you might be more than one,if you don't want them all just get the one that suits your character.Until recently,I believed that the right shade of red lipstick depends on our skin and hair colour,but it turns out I was wrong.Even though my complexion is not very fair and therefore I had ruled out coral red,I found out that every red lipstick looks good on me.I guess it has to do with the shape of one's lips and the bone structure of your face.I repeat:BONE STRACTURE!There are many people who believe that those with thin lips shouldn't wear dark lipstick but this is a lie since if you have a slightly more intense cheeckbones,dark lipstick will look great on your thin lips.

That't it from me...sorry for my texts being so simply written and possibly full of mistakes which I try to correct whenever I notice them,but using my mother language (greek) is not a wise option considering the things I enjoy writting about (clue:most greek people couldn't care less)
Doctor What