Παρασκευή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Films you must watch (if you haven't done it yet)

Most of the following films are very popular,yet you might realise that you haven't watched all of them really.I am not consulting any IMDb published lists here so you will just be reading MY opinion accompanied by the lovely IMDb summaries in the title links.Let's begin :

A Clockwork Orange
I am indeed using orange because it is the colour of the film posters but I can assure you that this story is not about actual oranges.The main character is Alex DeLarge (beautifuly portrayed by Malcolm McDowell) who is nothing more than a common criminal...in the begining.By the end of the film,Alex will have turned into one of the most iconic figures in the entire cinema history,just before your eyes.Of course,Alex is not the only aspect of the film you are going to find at least charming.Every scene has a very special colour template combined with the weird fashions of the 70's.Also the acting will seem to you "out of this world" if you are not used in watching older films.Finally,we are not sure whether "A Clockwork Orange" is a really dark and twisted comedy or a drama,but we do know that it is a good and strong film you will not easily forget (actually you are not going to forget).

The Matrix
I was shocked to find out that I know more than one person who hasn't watched "The Matrix".A normal person would say "WTF!" and go on with his/her life but instead I am going to provide you with the trailer once again and say "Watch the fucking Matrix!What the hell?!".Not watching this film means that you will never:

  • properly learn what cyberpunk is
  • feel weird while secretly questioning your own reality
  • appreciate the fashion of leather or spandex outfits and long black coats 
  • possibly want to become a hacker
  • experience the absolute "Green" on one single screen
  • know how to use the "red pill-blue pill" line (which rocks)
  • see Keanu Reeves acting well and being hot at the same time.
I think you got the point."The Matrix" has given much to the pop culture we are familiar with today.Apart from that,the style will be copied many times but the plot will always be one of the most original ideas ever conceived.

Not a classic film (yet),characterised as "mindfuck" by some,"Inception" comes to satisfy almost every viewer.The effects are spectacular and the cast is amazing.The scenario is interesting,clever and above all detailed and well explained.I mean,everything the characters do has an explaination and the processes they follow,just like the rules they work with,are sometimes complicated but also very specific and clear to the audience.I point out this last part because I've heard people saying they didn't get a think which seems pretty odd to me.Anyway...there is also a number of marvelous music tracks (created by Hanz Zimmer) heard in the film.They are so good that if I were making a list of films to watch just for the music,"Inception" would most certainly be in it.In general,this is a very well-thought film with a great focus on creating some of the most stunning fantasy images and therefore I think you should definitely watch it.

The Shutter Island
Here is another Leonardo DiCaprio film (no,I am not a crazy fangirl) which comes to satisfy pretty much every type of viewer.It's plot does get a bit confusing but the film is quite atmosperic,dramatic and surprising which is just the perfect combination.Also,the setting is dark and it kind if reminds you of the old horror films while the music odd,strong and beautiful.The plot does surprise a lot and it does it in an excellent manner until the very end.I absolutely recommend this one for everyone,no matter the social group.

V for Vendetta
Honestly a glorious film this one.Absolutely most certainly one of the best films of all times.The main character,"V",and his iconic mask are both inspired by Guy Fawkes,the person who attempted to blow up the entire Brittish Parliament alongside with his conspirators in 1605.V's story though takes place in the distant future,when the government is totalitarian and it's truly beautifully brought to us by the team of directors and actors.Of course,the most important and touching part of the film are the inspiration it provides to the audience about acting against fascism.For exaple,I shall never forget the story of the homosexual couple in the film (watch it and you will understand).

"Remember,remember the fifth of November;
The Gunpowder treason and Plot!
For I see no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."

No,I haven't given you the wrong IMDb link,it's just that I like the 1998 version better than the new one (in my opinion,annoying singing and unnecessary CGI didn't exactly help).Why it is in the list;Well,first of all I believe that the story is a classic and therefore it's nice for more people to know it than those who have read the books.Secondly,the adaptation of it extremely well done here,mostly due to the amazing cast.What is also so special about this film is that unlike the majority of period films this one is not just about a dramatic love story with costumes and dresses.This is beyond romance and it does not stop at love either,it shows us hatred and how unreasonable it can be,the feeling of duty and the stregth of the existance of personal interests,which I think is wonderful if you look at it from the ocassional period film viewer point.

That was the first part of my list.There are more fims to follow after I manage to fully understand Mechanics at university :}
Until then,watch whatever you feel like watching and have fun!

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