Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2013

The Big Bang Thoughts

Greetings from my self again!As the fans already know,the 7th season of "The Big Bang Theory" has been around since September 26th with a couple of very cute episodes.After watching these episodes I decided to share my thoughts with you by writing this list-kind of article.

  • The first two episodes were cute but not great.Is it my idea or this show's first episodes are never really great?I mean,you have to admit that compared to what follows later on each season,the first episodes seem unworthy of rewatching.Plus,I was a bit disappointed by how dramatic was the premiere summary in contrast to the actual episodes ("Sheldon and Penny share intimate secrets while Leonard is away at sea,Sheldon's feelings are crushed when Leonard returns.Meanwhile,Raj gets consoled about his ex-girlfriend and Wolowitz's relationship with his mother causes an unusual threat to his masculinity." according to CBS).I didn't get where Sheldon's feelings were crushed or what did Howard's relationship with his mother had to do with the incrediants of the cream...
  • We love the romance-free Shenny but wasn't 2 out of 3 a little too much?In two of the three first episodes Sheldon and Penny engage in activities together and with no one else to accompany them.Personally,I like watching these two together as they have this weird but also strong chemistry;however,because of these scenes Shenny suddenly seems a good idea to me (and I never liked it!).I know that you don't intend to write them as a couple but I have to inform you that fans are getting let's say "inspired".
  • Leonard is a bitch.Don't take me wrong here,I like how Johnny Galecki plays the part,I just dislike the character himself.Thought that Leonard returning without a word to Sheldon was a sign of the fact that the experimental physicist doesn't appreciate his best friend much.Before you start saying that Sheldon is crazy,remeber that frienship is one of the most important thing in the worlds and thet what we don't really like we can always leave.
  • Are there people who still care about Raj?This character was one of the funniest until the whole "unable to find a girlfriend" started.After a point,I simply stopped caring...I am sorry but I don't find all this whining and crying funny or interesting.It is different when the character does this accasionally when problems occur than doing it all the time.Fix Raj!Oh and,not everybody has to be in a relationship.
  • Is Amy the only girlfriend Sheldon will ever have?The step of having a girlfriend was big for Dr. Cooper (ok,huge) but we all saw this coming,didn't we?People ask all the time whether Sheldon will ever agree to do do this and that (kissing,hugging,even having sex) with Amy,the real question though is;Once he agree to do it,is it going to be just Amy?I would like to see a new girl coming just for a change.I am not suggesting a new girlfriend or crazy flirting exactly rather than an opportunity for Sheldon to let his human side show by having a little curiosity about the opposite gender.

Ok,now my crazy stuff.Don't like,don't read the following.
  • Why are the TBBT fanfics not good even though the show writers give the audience so many bloody story excuses???Where is Sheldon/Leonard?Do we have to speak Spanish to read a good fanfic?I don't get it!
  • We seriously need some good "Sheldon meets Sherlock" fanfics and videos.There is a particular video I enjoyed a lot (Click To Watch) but we certainly need more!What?What did you say?Whose Sherlock?Just watch "Sherlock" for god's sake!!!

I wish you could start commenting on articles:P
Doctor What

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