Παρασκευή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

R.I.P Leonard Nimoy

I was going to pay a tribute to Alexander McQueen before the end of February but today another ledgend,Leonard Nimoy,passsed away,age 83.It seems that this month takes great people as it passes.

A few words.
Mr. Spock is not just a science fiction character - a pop culture face.He symbolises the very hope in humanity.What can be described as cold and alien-like on him is in fact the logical,the pure.He is the character not to seek revenge,not to destroy,who is indeed able to love,who casts away everything which makes him corrupted.He choses to to keep only the goodness,mystery and beauty of human nature and therefore he is an ode to humanity itself.

Today Leonard Nimoy passed away and is taking with him a huge part of Mr.Spock,a part that might not earthly exist from now on but shall always be in our hearts.Enterprise's first officer could have ended being as shallow as any other alien character of his time (after all it was the 60's,aliens were supposed to be like robots) but instead he became deep,multi-layered and above all deeply loved thanks to Leonard Nimoy.

At leats for that,we owe him a tribute.We owe them both a great tribute indeed.


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