Πέμπτη 29 Αυγούστου 2013

MSW 2013 is here!

Miss Stardoll Worls season has finally started!Vote for my doll fashion bitches (I call this my self as well,so no offence) and help me prove that weirdos can rock the fashion world!
Vote for DoctorWhat ;)

Πέμπτη 22 Αυγούστου 2013

Fashion Gods and Fashion Loosers

Me,My Self and I have spent hours of watching Project Runway lately as I usually have nothing else to do during the summer.Watching the show made me realise that the new generation lucks of really good designers,or at least America's new generation does (haven't watched the australian version yet).Why am I saying this?Most of the contestants have a good knowledge of how to sew perfectly and fit the clothes obviously,but what they can't really do is make outfits that are runway material.The problem seems to be different every time:the outfit doesn't have the right volume,the dress is way too boring,not enough drama on the runway,the colours are wrong,the presentation sucks,etc...The thing is that in order to become a great fashion designer or a stylist,you need that something,the little feeling that tells you what's right and what's wrong,when to continue and when to stop.The main differences in fashion that a designer should recognise in my opinion are the following:
Interesting colours and tacky colours
This always depends on the fabric and the tone.For a exemple take a look at this outfit made by Christian V. Siriano .
This is a pretty outfit and certainly runway material,but imagine what would have happened if the skirt was made of another far more shiny fabric or if the top was also shiny and full of ruffles...In this case,the right selection of a texture that matches the colours gave something more than a satisfying result.
Now,just look at this.
This is a dress made by someone who thinks he/she is a fashion designer.To those who will say "Cute dress" I reply "NO,this is all wrong!".The choice of desingn,tones and texture makes the dress look cheap and tacky.So think before you match!
Artistic and costume-like
There is a big difference between impressive clothes and halloween costumes.Though these differences are not easy to tell since they can be only seen on actual creations,I have to say that the main problems here are usually the execution of the outfit and the the concept used.If are inspired by elizabethan clothing and you make an elizabethan gown,you simply have failed.If you create a slutty dress with a few elizabethan ruffles, then you are also wrong.A designer is ought to know what to keep and what to remove.             


This is an elizabethan inspired gown by Alexander McQueen.
This is a beautifully crafted elizabethan costume.
And this is a mistake (sorry FoxGlove but you did upload the photo on the internet).
Haute Couture and prom gowns
Sometimes,amateur fashion designers seem to be confused around this topic.A prom gown or a bride's maid dress is oftenly called an haute couture creation but the truth is that it takes much more for a dress to be characterised as such,rather than a few hand-stitched parts.An houte couture dress must be elegant but not boring,otherwise not only it not suitable to be presented on the runway but also it does't say anything about the person wearing it.Texture and pattern selection is important here,too.A design can be very interesting but the choice of a cheap-looking colour or an unsuitable material can really ruin it.The same happens with good materials and not-well-thought designs.When it comes to evening gowns the strategy of "the simplier,the better" is the best to follow,unless the designer is 100% confident about making huge impressive ruffles that could work with the specific fabric and the rest of the design without looking prom-ish.

This is a pretty dress by Zuhair Murad.The dress is full of ruffles but it's working perfectly with this fabric.The same dress would not be so good if it was made with polyester.Zuhair Murad is normaly a gown maker,yet most of his creations are very elegant and artistic,especially for wearable evening gowns.Therefore,they work when represented on the runway.

Many also suggest  the "go for the draping" strategy which usually gives impressive results.In my opinion though,try to avoid drapind and ruffles conbined very oftenly because we've seen it before and it gets boring.

Elegant draped gowns by Elie Saab.

And last but not least,there is group of people (I am so one of them) who would say "make it interesting by using intense prints".The truth is that not everyone wants to look like cinderella in pink...

Printed gown by Dior.

In general please do us a favour and avoid this:

 And remember that a good dress lies on the details.

The matching accessories and the right ones.
There isn't much to say here,simply stop being predictable.Try what's best for each season and mix them all together,create something unique but with harmony by mixing defferent colours,types of texture and volumes.Spend more time on designing accessories and make them eye-catching.An unexpected detail on a black shoe is really the best!A matchy-match-match look is not what a designer should always be looking for,unless we are talking about one colour total looks which never loose their value as eccentric yet elegant choices.

That's it.Hope you liked it...DoctorWhat

Παρασκευή 9 Αυγούστου 2013

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Τρίτη 6 Αυγούστου 2013

Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper;An autistic person or another one of tv's psychopaths?

Greeting from My Self!Today as you you can see I will talk about one of my favourite characters on television,The Big Bang Theory's Dr. Sheldon Cooper (It's funny how I almost write Sherlock every time).
Now,for those who will ask...no,this show is not the sun and the moon for me but I am bored and Sheldon is a really fun character to discuss.

When I first started watching the show I was almost certain that Sheldon had autism,but the producers wouldn't confirm it.What changed my mind a bit was me getting pretty close with an actual autistic person,a friend and neigbor who knows he is being mentioned right now.Mainly,the symptoms of autism are stereotypy,compulsive behavior,sameness,ritualistic behavior,restricted behavior and self injury while sometimes pathological symptoms such as seizures, motor abnormalities, anxiety, sleep cycle disturbances, gastrointestinal problems, immune dysfunction and sensory disturbances also appear.From this short list of symptoms I can recognise many on my friend but on Sheldon I can see only three behavior problems (the compulsive behavior,the sameness and ritualistic behavior) and none pathological,a fact which leads me to the question;Are these three enough to diagnose autism?For this question my own personal opinion hardly matters since I am no doctor but I simply think not,just because like in science the more evidence,the better conlusion.

But if Sheldon is not autistic then what is wrong with him (for he is not normal for sure)?I am starting to believe that Dr. Cooper is a psychopath after all.The problem with psychopaths is that many people imagine them holding kitchen knives and terrorising cities buy the truth is that a psychopath is a person with a psychiatric disorder or more often with a number of them.Personality Disorders belong are considered to be psychiatric disorders and Sheldon seems to have more than one.Let's start with OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder) witch is characterised by orderliness,perfectionism,inflexibility and need of control.The next to follow is PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder) known for having a hard time trusting others,just like Sheldon can't trust even his own flatmate when their flat is robbed.We also have the wierd BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) where the person experiences short spurts of moodiness,has a hard time calming down once upset,also has a polarized veiw of the world and sometimes angry outbursts follow.The last one and my personal favourite is the NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) which provides the person with the idea that he deserves a special treatment,with plenty of arrogance and haughtiness but also an extremely low self-esteem deep down inside (As I choose to express it,there is nothing you love and hate more in the entire world than your self.).

Psychopaths might have a bad ending indeed as they do sometimes get bored and therefore become unpredictabe but unless the producers decide to start shooting Criminal Minds or the better for me Hannibal (for which a report is coming soon) on the set of The Big Bang Theory,I don't think we should worry about Sheldon (and Sherlock is almost written again).

What do you think about Dr. Cooper?

Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου 2013

The spectacular Mr. Khan.

Ok,from where do I even start?Did you happen to watch the latest Star Trek film by J. J. Abraams?Well,I did and my comments are:BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH!!!For many Star Trek fans these two re-makes were a pleasant surprise and for others they felt absolutely essential in order for the old spirit of  TOS to be re-newed and re-loved by the new generation (it was kind of dead in Star Trek Generations).But Mr. Abraams offered to us something more than new fancy spaceships and great Kirk/Spock scenes,he gave us Benedict wearing leather tights in Star Trek Into Darkness and we are the most certainly thankful about it ;)

Personally,I have been a fan of both the Original Series and Abraams' first film so I did not decide to go to the cinema just for Cumberbatch.-You see,my good companion,The Big Bang Theory,taught many things about tv shows,since I started watching it,and consequently I soon became a Star Trek and Doctor Who enthusiast.-Anyway,as it almost always happens with the hottie-containing films,I forgot all about my original pure motives after a few minutes of watching.How could I not though?His hair Ebony black as Anne Rice would discribe,his cheekbones more visible and desirable than ever,his eyes alien-like and beautifully creepy and his voice..breathtaking.There is also the famous Cumberbutt but what could I ever say about it that would be enough?Plus,I am trying to be decent so let's just skip another butt worshipping paragraph or line on this blog and enjoy these images.

Doctor What