Τετάρτη 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Sheldon vs Sherlock vs Spencer




I recently came across an internet voting called "Who is the best tv braniac" involving my favourite braniacs; Sherlock Holmes from BBC's "Sherlock",Dr, Spencer Reid from "Criminal Minds" and Dr. Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory".What I noticed while I was reading the comments was than many voters were confused as they didn't really know those characters well.This is why I decided to write this article,my purpose is to introduce three of the best tv characters ever to you and help you with your vote next time.

They are all genius,eccentric and,in their own way,charming but who are they?

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
Sheldon Cooper (portrayed by Jim Parsons) is certainly the funniest of our brainiacs group and this is because he is a character from a comedy called "The Big Bang Theory".Sheldon is incredibly clever,he's got several degrees on theoretical physics and his research is considered to be very important for the university where he works,despite that,the character lacks of social skills and therefore,he is not really respected as a physicist or a personality.Also,he might suffer from a number of syndromes such as autism and Asperger's which make him an incredibly difficult man to live with and consequently annoying to his friends.Sheldon does not only lack of social skills but he is also very immature and innocent as child,in fact if you rule out the original pilot episode,there has never been a momment in the show where Sheldon makes a dirty thought or tries to hit on a woman.Another fact is that Sheldon has too many phobias and a genaral psychotism when it comes to hygine,another funny aspect of the character.Those quallities combined with the character's a-sexuality and with Jim Parsons' looks make the character less charming and more funny.

Sherlock HolmesWe all know the clever detective with the funny hat and the interesting stories but this time he comes back a bit changed.The modern Sherlock Holmes (portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch) is what the fans of the series like to call "A proper genius".He is eccentric,he can be really insufferable and he is a sociopath but nobody cares because his mind is an actual crime-solving computer and he is really attractive.By using the science of deduction and the process of illumination,Sherlock has managed to solve many cases that Scotland Yard would never have solved without him.Inspite of the fact that Sherlock is a tv drama's character,he has funny aspects as well,for example his behaviour towards other people is incredibly funny is he can turn from serious to cute or to sad just to get his way.Generally,he is an admired person who is truly loved by his flatmate and his brother.The sad part of the character is that eventually he jumped of a roof and died,or at least we thought so...CAN'T WAIT FOR SERIES 3!!!

Dr. Spencer ReidDr. Reid (portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler) is the most realistic and most dramatic character of the team.Spencer works as a profiler for the Criminal Minds team and he is certainly a genius managing to profile and understand the most dangerous criminals.Unlike Sheldon,Spencer is katathleptic,has been addicted to drugs and knows how to use a gun!Also,unlike Sherlock,he is not a sociopath therefore he has no broblems when it comes to communication.On the contrary,Dr. Reid can read people as if they were open books.Despite the mentioned differences with the other two characters,Spencer is a classic "nerd" who loves both science and Doctor Who!Finally,Spencer might be the only one with an actual mental disorder since his mother suffered from paranoid schizophrenia,a genetic desease which can be inherited by relatives,and he does have the symptoms.

Pernonally,I love them all but not in the same order.My order of preference is:

1.Sherlock Holmes

2.Spencer Reid

3.Sheldon Cooper

What I love the most about Sherlock is that he is a very attrective character not only due to Benedict Cumberbatch's looks but also because of his accent,his British style and mostly because of the way he uses his brain.Sherlock has an incredibly clever thinking,the way he connects the facts is more than just admirable.I really think he is the smartest character on tv.

Spencer comes second because I love how reallistic he is.He has actual problems,human needs,he is sad,yet he has a brilliant mind and has found a great way to use it.He can ''see through'' people and I admire this.

Sheldon comes last and this is because he is very funny and enjoyable but not that clever and highly unlikable to exist.Though Dr. Cooper is said to have an amazing brain,no one can see it as he doesn't really use it.Knowing facts and maths is great certainly shows a high level of mathematical iQ but what about actual thinking?I have a mathematical brain my self just like many others but I am capable of thinking other things as well and I am quite fdunctional on doing that.This is why I believe Sheldon is not distined for great thing such as a nobel price.He will always be the scientist who is not taken seriously.This is fine simnce The Big Bang Theory is just a comedy,we shouldn't forget about that!I simlply prefere other types of fictional characters.

Which one will you choose?


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