Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Is he hot or what?

Hello again.I haven't written anything for a month but I was busy making my victorian gown so I am to be excused.This new article is about these actors who for some people are hot as hell,while for others they are either boring or way too far from looking hot.Admit it,at some point you must have liked somebody,from a film or a tv show,whom your friends found unattractive.Even worse,some of you may have liked an actor whom yourself used to find unattractive (it's one of the worst feelings when you realise it,you just feel like a sick person).Today I am making a short list of such actors I know of.Because I am not into all of them,I am not putting them in order of preference but in a completely random one (except for Benedict who is first for a reason).Let's start...

1.Benedict Cumberbatch
This one has troubled me a lot...When I started watching "Sherlock" I thought the protagonist was ugly and I really didn't like his voice.The only thing I liked about him was his eyes which I found gorgeous from the begining.After I had watched the entire first episode and a bit of the second,I got used to his voice.I also noticed he had remarkable cheekbones and I reminded my self how much I enjoy a good set of cheeckbones.By the third episode I kind of liked him but still not as much as my friend.In the first episode of season 2 I took a better look at his fine long legs and his great butt.Then I became sure;Benedict was hot!Now I am a fan girl but I still hear that Ben is ugly.My first reaction is usually "You're nuts!",but then I bring to my mind the time I didn't like him.After putting some thought on the matter I have come to the conclusion that Benedict is not handsome is a classic way and this is why his good features take time to be noticed,what he certainly is though,is a charming man.

2.Jim Parsons
(I think this is the best Jim Parsons pic)
Personally,I don't think that "The Big Bang Theory" star is a hottie but there are women who do and I think this is partly acceptable.The truth is that one can't exactly claim that Jim is handsome but nobody can call him ugly.The guy is tall,slim,he has blue eyes and not a bad face.Also,we live in the 21st century so I don't think that the fact that he's gay can be a turn off for those who like what they see.I believe the biggest problem with Jim Parsons is the character he portrays in TBBT.If you are a fan of the show,it is possible Sheldon Cooper is why you can't see Jim Parsons as a hottie.It is also likely that the fictional scientist is the very reason you find him incredibly attractive.

3.Eddie Redmayne
This talented actor is considered to be ugly by many many people.The main reasons are his freckles which cover almost his entire face and the strange shape of his mouth and lips.Well,although I can see their point,I can't stop thinking how hot Eddie is everytime I see him.For me,it was clear since the first time I saw him in "Pillars of the Earth".I don't have much to say on the matter.For what I see,this guy does have a certain charm.

4.Zachary Quinto (as Spock)
Zachary Quinto is for most unquestionably hot and I'm not going to disagree since I don't find him ugly at all.My question is;what do you think of him as Spock?If you ask me,Spock is simply one of the sexiest things ever.The whole idea of the eyebrows,the pointy ears and this hair style drives me crazy,so how could I say know to all these combined with Zachary?Of course,I understand that Mr. Spock is is suitable only for the most eccentric of tastes so I expect to disagree with many of you out there,including Zachary himself,who believes that the hair cut and the eyebrows are not cool at all.

5.Tom Hiddleston
Ok,I am aware of the fact that this particular actor is sexy for the majority of women,yet I am not convinced.The thing is that I am not generally crazy about this type of face (at least I haven't been until recently) but I do like his body,his accent and his smile is just so cute,consequently I am a bit confused.I am not going to decide now anyway...I have watched only one of his films ("Midnight in Paris") and one of his interviews (he was with Benedict Cumberbatch) and therefore I can't be certain.Perhaps I should watch "Thor"!
(I am editing this because I watched "Thor","The Avengers" and many of his interviews and now I know why girls go crazy.He is so talented,hot,cute and generally adorable so the doubt is gone now.)

6.David Tennant
Another challenging case.If David Tennant if for you the crazy guy from Harry Potter,then I doubt that you can actually understand this crush.On the other hand,if you see him as The Doctor you will eventually love him.David Tennant is neither bad looking nor handsome.Instead,he's got a weird face accompanied by a slightly deranged expression.Personally,I like the expression and him but if you don't agree with me I suppose I can see the reason why.

7.Johnny Galecki

This!Somebody please explain this to me!I don't get it,I am sorry if you like him but I just don't get it.I mean he is a good actor and a fun person from what I've seen from TBBT cast interviews,but hot?I was looking fot show news when I first read what women really thought of Johnny Galecki and I have to admit I was really surprised.Untill then,I had been under the impression that if somebody from the show was to draw this kind of attention,that would be Jim Parsons.Well,it turns out I was wrong...We can't all like the same guys now,can we?

8.Colin Morgan
This is awkward...Believe it or not,the "Merlin" is in the IMDb's list of hottest actors,another fact which surprised me.To be honest,it never crossed my mind that girls would find Colin a hotie!For me he's always been a good actor and that's all.Colin Morgan being in that list is a mystery I'll never manage to solve, however I do hope we'll get to see him in several productions in the future as he is truly talented.

I have noticed many more weird crushes on the internet but I don't want to write about actors I don't know of well enough.What do you think about those above?

Doctor What